OPTIONS: 1)Den Meetings/Leader Training: including BEAR Elective 13 - Magic requirements. 1)-Learn/show 3 magic tricks. 2)-With your den, put on a magic show for someone else. 3)-Learn/show 4 puzzles. 4)- Learn/show 3 rope tricks.
Kids/ leaders learn how to do some of the tricks in my show and do it themselves! I supply the materials. For a low fee I can teach your den or leaders. Experienced Leader, Troop Chair can provide consultation for struggling groups.
2) Button/Magnet ART Craft Scout Themed , Derby Participation etc.
3) Balloon Sculpting Lessons
4) Game Master: Inclusive games with CONSTANT PARTICIPATION - no sidelining...

Suggested but not mandatory, it is recommended that Tiger Cubs or Daisies and young siblings sit behind the older kids as the oldest will be role models and help with the focus.
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*Holiday Pudgy Snowman by Cory Thoman
Home Birthdays SchoolShows Scout/Civic Letter/Awards Contact/Pricing About Me XtraPhotos
*Holiday Pudgy Snowman by Cory Thoman